
Picture based mcqs in Business studies class 12 Quiz-3

Picture based mcqs in Business studies class 12 Quiz-3 Index => Picture based mcqs in Business studies class 12 Quiz-3 Quiz Show all questions <=   => Identify the feature of management ?   management is continuous process ?   management is goal oriented ?   management is dynamic function ?   none of the above Identify type of test ?   intellegence test ?   Interest test ?   Trade test ?   Aptitude test Identify one of the staffing process from the picture ?   Recruitment ?   placement and orientation ?   Compensation ?   Selection Identify the staffing process ?   Performanced appraisal ?   training and development ?   promotion and career planning ?   compensation Identify the feature of management ?   Management as a multi dimentional activity ?   management is a group activity ?   management is a dynamic function ?   management is an intangible force Identify the principle o

Picture based MCQs in Business studies class 12 Quiz-4

picture based mcqs in business studies quiz-4 Index => picture based mcqs in business studies quiz-4 Quiz Show all questions <=   => identify the importance of consumer protection in India ?   Government intervention ?   moral justification ?   social responsibility ?   None of these Identify one of the controlling process ?   Analysing deviations ?   Taking corrective actions ?   comparision of actual performance with standards ?   measurement of acual performance identify the function of marketing ?   product design and development ?   standardisation and grading ?   packaging and lebelling ?   branding Identify one of the merit of advertising ?   expressiveness ?   Mass reach ?   Economy ?   Enhance customer satisfaction Identify the limitation of controlling from the given picture ?   Costly affair ?   Resistance from employees ?   little control on external factors ?   None