
Business studies Class XII Quiz-1

Business studies Class XII Quiz-1 Index => Business studies Class XII Quiz-1 Quiz Show all questions <=   => A bottle of Anti- dandruff shampoo mentions ' Clean your hair and get rid of dandruff in one squeeze'. The product related decision involved is ?   Branding ?   Product quality ?   Packaging ?   Labelling The allocative function of Financial market helps in ________ ?   Bringing transparency in trading procedure ?   Earning higher rate of return to household sector ?   Better functioning of depository ?   Determining the prices of securities Mr. Vivek is working as the General Manager of Oshin Hotels Ltd. Mr. Vivek observed that Government was taking a special interest in the Tourism industry as this sector is an important source of foreign exchange and employment promotion. On the basis of this news, the company decided to set up hotels at several tourist places. Os

Directing Quiz-3

Directing Quiz-3 Index => Directing Quiz-3 Quiz Show all questions <=   => Which of the following best describes directing in management? ?   Assigning tasks to employees ?   Setting long-term organizational objectives ?   Creating marketing strategies ?   Providing guidance and leadership to achieve goals It is very difficult to detect the source of such communication. ?   Upward communication ?   Vertical communication ?   Lateral communication ?   Informal communication Which of the following is not an example of a financial incentive? ?   Perquisites ?   Job Enrichment ?   Profit Sharing ?   Co-partnership Identify the correct sequence of steps involved in the communication process. ?   Sender, Message, Encoding, Media, Decoding, Feedback, Receiver ?   Sender, Decoding, Receiver, Feedback, Message, Encoding, Media ?   Sender, Message, Encoding, Media, Decoding, Receiver, Feed