
Business studies class XII Quiz-4

Business studies class XII Quiz-4 Index => Business studies class XII Quiz-4 Quiz Show all questions <=   => Which of the following is not an assumption of Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory? ?   A satisfied need can no longer motivate. ?   People’s behaviour is based on their needs. ?   Self-actualisation is the highest order need. ?   A person moves to the next higher level of the hierarchy only when lower need is satisfied. Mr. Patel bought four ceiling fans from a shop. He paid ` 4,000 for it by cheque. Since he bought these for his newly constructed house, so he asked the shopkeeper to get them installed at his residence. The shopkeeper told him that he will have to pay ` 100 to the person who will come to fix them up. Next day, the electrician came and fixed the fans to the ceiling. He asked Mr. Santosh to pay him ` 400 as the charges were ` 100 per fan and not ` 100 for four fans

Business studies class XII Quiz-3

Business studies class XII Quiz-3 Index => Business studies class XII Quiz-3 Quiz Show all questions <=   => The principles of management are flexible. Select appropriate reason : ?   they are dependent upon the prevailing situation. ?   they aim at influencing the behaviour of human beings. ?   they apply to all types of organisations. ?   they can be modified by a manager as per the situation. Arrange the following needs in the correct sequence of Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory of (i) Affiliation/Belongingness Needs (ii) Basic Physiological Needs (iii) Safety/Security Needs (iv) Self-actualisation Needs (v) Esteem Needs Choose the correct option:Motivation: ?   (ii), (iii), (i), (v), (iv) ?   (v), (iii), (ii), (i), (iv) ?   (iv), (i), (v), (iii), (ii) ?   (i), (ii), (iv), (iii), (v) In today’s dynamic business environment, companies are specialising in their core competency and d