
Depreciation Quiz-1

Depreciation Quiz-1 Index => Depreciation Quiz-1 Quiz Show all questions <=   => Depreciation is ?   Revenue expenditure ?   capital expenditure ?   Deferred revenue expenditure ?   None of the above Depreciation helps in determining ________. ?   Increases the value of the asset ?   Revenue generation ?   Increase the burden of tax ?   Accurate level of profit Every fixed asset loses its value due to use or other reasons. This decline in the value of assets is known as ________. ?   Provisions ?   Depreciation ?   Devaluation ?   Amortisation pick the odd one out: ?   original cost mentod ?   Fixed instalment method ?   straight line method ?   Diminishing balance method Under which depreciation method does the amount of depreciation expenses remains the same throughout the useful life of a fixed asset? ?   Reducing balance method ?   Number of units produced method ?   Machine

Marketing management Quiz-2

Marketing management Quiz-2 Index => Marketing management Quiz-2 Quiz Show all questions <=   => Narayan Ltd. is a natural and ethical firm that specialises in providing organic bathing items for men and women. The company uses plant-based elements in its goods and is the country’s leading organic brand. It not only meets the needs of its clients, but it also believes in environmental conservation as a whole. Determine the marketing management philosophy that ‘Beauty Products Ltd.’ employs. ?   Social marketing concept ?   Selling concept ?   Production concept ?   Product concept A tea company is attempting to expand its operations. It recognises that the function of the intermediaries will be crucial in this regard. A conference of top management is called, and the causes that are causing the distributors’ potential to be underutilised are discussed. Intermediaries play a critical