
Marketing management Quiz-1

Marketing management Quiz-1 Index => Marketing management Quiz-1 Quiz Show all questions <=   => According to Philip Kotler, marketing management is an art and science of which of the following : – ?   Choosing target markets ?   Getting, keeping and growing customers ?   Both of the above ?   None of the above What is the difference between marketing and selling : – ?   Marketing is a part of selling activities ?   Selling is a part of marketing activities. ?   Both marketing and selling are the same ?   None of the above In order to get feedback about its new product launch, Raj Limited conducted an online survey through a short questionnaire. Identify the marketing function being mentioned in the given line. ?   Marketing planning ?   Product designing and development ?   Packaging and labelling ?   Gathering and analysing market information Under the concept of “Marketing man

Picture based mcqs in business studies class 11 Quiz-2

Picture based mcqs in business studies class 11 Quiz-2 Index => Picture based mcqs in business studies class 11 Quiz-2 Quiz Show all questions <=   => Identify one of the social objectives of business dipicted from the picture ?   Welfare of employees ?   supply quality goods at reasonable price ?   community services ?   All of the above Identify the type of pollution from the depicted picture ?   Noise pollution ?   Air pollution ?   water pollution ?   None of the above Identify types of banks from the picture below ?   Public sector banks ?   private sector banks ?   Rural and cooperative banks ?   Specialised banks Identify the type of pollution from the depicted picture ?   Air pollution ?   Water pollution ?   Land pollution ?   Sound pollution Identify the nature of services from the picture below ?   Intangibility ?   Inseperability ?   Involvement ?   Inventory This me