
Staffing Quiz-5

Staffing Quiz-5 Index => Staffing Quiz-5 Quiz Show all questions <=   => When the employees are given promotion, their_____________. ?   motivation level improves ?   loyalty increases ?   job satisfaction level is high ?   all of the above Which among the following is a function in performance appraisal? ?   evaluating an employee’s current against predetermined standards ?   Defining the job ?   Appraising performance and providing feedback ?   All of the above Which of the following is not a characteristic of casual callers? ?   They are employed on a daily wage basis. ?   They are hired to meet temporary or seasonal demand. ?   They are not entitled to any benefits such as paid leave or medical insurance. ?   They are typically unskilled or semi-skilled workers. Which of the following is an advantage of using casual callers? ?   They are easy to hire and fire. ?   They are typ

Staffing Quiz-4

Staffing Quiz-4 Index => Staffing Quiz-4 Quiz Show all questions <=   => What is the main purpose of a performance appraisal in an organization? ?   Determining employee's job title ?   Setting the company's financial goals ?   Evaluating and assessing employee performance ?   Creating a new organizational structure What is the primary advantage of on-the-job training methods? ?   They are usually less expensive. ?   They provide theoretical knowledge. ?   They are flexible in terms of scheduling. ?   They require less involvement from supervisors. Which of the following is not an important benefit of training and development? ?   Increased productivity ?   Improved employee morale ?   Reduced turnover ?   Increased customer satisfaction Which of the following best describes "on-the-job training"? ?   Training conducted outside the workplace. ?   Formal classro