Question Bank 


Q.1 Rama Clothes ltd.’s target is to produce 20,000 shirts per month at a cost of Rs.500/- per shirt. The production manager achieved this target at a cost of Rs.450/- per shirt. Do you think the manager is effective and efficient?

 Q.2 An educational institution as well as a business organization both need to be managed. Which characteristic of management is highlighted here? 

 Q.3 “In an organization, the employees are happy and satisfied, there is no chaos and the effect of management is noticeable.” Which characteristic of management is highlighted by this statement? 

Q.4 In order to be successful an organisation must change its goals according to the needs of environment. Which characteristic of management is highlighted here? 

Q.5 Management is multi-dimensional. Give any 2 dimensions of it.

Q.6 One of the objectives of management is to consistently create economic value for various constituents of the society. Give two examples of this objective. 

Q.7. Sana Ltd. is a company producing Fans.The company’s profits are enough for the survival and growth. The management of the company believes that a satisfied employee creates a satisfied customer, who in turn creates profits that lead to satisfied shareholders. So, it pays competitive salaries and perks to all its employees. All the employees are happy working in the organisation because of personal growth and development. The company has a strong sense of social responsibility. It has set up an Engineering College in which one-third of the students are girls to whom the company gives 50% scholarship. Is the management of Sana Ltd. fulfilling its objectives? Justify your answer by giving reasons.

 Q.8 Give one feature of Profession (a) satisfied by management (b) not satisfied by the management. 

Q.9 At which level of management, are the managers responsible for the welfare and survival of the organization? 

 Q.10 Managers at the top level spend more time doing this function of Management. Name it. 

Q.11 Rakesh is working as Regional Manager in ABC Ltd. Name the level at which he is working. 

 Q.12 Name the level at which the managers are responsible for implementing and controlling the plans and maintaining the quality of output.

Q.13 Identify the functions of the management: — 

a) Motivating employees and giving instructions to them to perform the tasks assigned to them.

 b) Recruitment and selection of the personnel. 

c) Finding out deficiencies in implementation of plans.

 d) Preparing a blueprint for future 

e) Process of defining and grouping activity of an enterprise to establish authority relationship.

Q.14 Name the process that synchronises the activities of different departments.

 Q.15 “Co-ordination is responsibility of all the managers”. Explain.

multiple choice questions

1. The following is not an objective of management 

(a) Earning profits                                                           (b) Creating employment

 (c) Satisfying diverse needs of employees                    (d) Planning and controlling 

2. Growth of a business can be measured by. 

(a) Increase in sales volumes                                        (b) Increase in number of product produced 

(c) Increase in capital investment                                 (d) All of the above. 

3. Coordination is     

(a) Function of management                                         (b) An objective of management 

(c) The essence of management                                    (d) None of the above

4. Which of the following is not a characteristic of science.

 (a) Systematised body of knowledge                           (b) Based on experimentation and observation

 (c) Universal validity                                                   (d) Ethical code of conduct.

5. To oversee the efforts of the workforce is the function of:

 (a) Operational or supervisory management                 (b) Top level management 

(c) Middle level management                                         (d) None of the above

Fill in the blanks 

(1) Management has three dimensions _____, _____ & _____. 

(2) _____ level managers are responsible for the welfare & survival of the organisation. 

(3) _____ is the force that binds all the functions of management. 

(4) Management as a process relates to _____ of management. 

(5) _____ is an intangible force which creates productive relationships among resources. 

True/False (give reason in suppoart of your answer).

 (1) Management is an intangible force.

 (2) Management is a science like physics or chemistry. 

(3) Managers at lower levels spend more time in planning and organising than top level managers.

 (4) Management is both art and science. 

(5) Co-ordination is the responsibility of all the managers. 


 Q.1 “Planning, Organising, Staffing, Directing and Controlling” is the sequence of functions in a process. Name it.                                                                                                             (1)

 Q.2 Production Manager of Kavya Ltd. tries to produce goods with minimum cost. Name the concept which is being focussed by management.                                                                      (1)

 Q.3 In order to be successful, an organization must change it according to the needs of the environment which characteristic of management is highlighted in the statement?                              (1)

 Q.4 Which force binds all other functions of management?                                             (1)

 Q.5 Radhika Ltd. uses environment friendly methods of production. Identify the objective it is trying to achieve.                                                                                                                             (1)

 Q.6 Your uncle is serving as a foreman in a factory. At what level of management is he working?  (1)

 Q.7 Why is it said that “management is a goal oriented process”? (1)

 Q.8 Identify the nature of management when it is practiced as personalised application of existing knowledge to achieve desired results.  (1) 

Q.9 “Success of an organisation largely depends upon its management” Explain any five reasons to fortify the above statement. (Any five points of importance) (1) 

Q.10 The General manager- GM of ‘RadhaswamiKidswear Limited’, Mr. SahilRadhaswami, has divided all the employees of his company into three levels (Top Level, Middle level and Lower Level) different individuals. At the Top Level the General Manager and Board of Directors themselves work. The Middle Level work is looked after by the four Departmental managers like the Production Manager, Purchase manager, Sales Manager and Finance Manager. The Lower Level is constituted of one supervisor of each of the four departments. These Supervisors look after the daily activities of their subordinates. They also maintained the flow of inputs in the production process to transform it to desired output. Often, it is observed that the managers of all Levels remain busy sometimes with the planning of their respective departments and sometimes with the comparison of the desired and actual results. Similarly, sometimes they are busy with the Recruitment, Selection and Training of the employees and sometimes with their motivation. Mr. Sahil knows it very well that the job of management cannot be done by a single person alone, but when all join hands to work together the meaning of management is realised. This is why he makes all his efforts to effect coordination in the activities of all his employees. All the employees are working with the team spirit. In the above paragraph features of management have been described. Identify them by quoting the relevant lines and explain them.                                                                                                                    (5)                                                                                                        

Answer Key

Ans.1.  Yes, he completed the work on time and at a lower cost. 

Ans.2 Pervasive

Ans.3 Intangible Force

Ans.4 Dynamic

Ans.5 Work, People and operations

Ans.6  Social objectives of management.

 (i) Using environment friendly method of production.

(ii) Giving employment opportunities to disadvantaged sections of the society. 

 Ans.7  Yes, the management of Sana Ltd. is fulfilling all the objectives organisational objectives, social objectives and personal objectives (For reasons students can quote the lines).

Ans.8  (a) Well defined body of knowledge. (b) Restricted entry

Ans.9 Top level

Ans.10 planning

Ans.11 middle level

Ans.12 supervisory level

 Ans.13  (a) Directing; (b) Staffing; (c) Controlling (d) Planning (e) Organising.

Ans.14 Coordination 

Ans.15  (Managers perform it all levels to ensure that work proceed according to plans).

multiple choice questions

Ans. 1. d           2. d                    3. c                           4. d                          5. a

Fill in the the blanks

 1. Management of work, people and operations 

2. Top

3. coordination 

4. functions

 5. Management 


1. True because it cannot be seen but felt. 

2. False because it is not a pure science but behavioural science.

 3. False top level managers spend more time on planning & controlling. 

4. True it combines the features of both. 

5. True it is performed by managers at all levels



2. Efficiency

3. Dynamic

4. coordination objective

6. lower level

7. (Because it helps in achieving organisational goals by unity of efforts.

8.(Management is an art)

10. (i) Continuous process

     (ii) Group activities

    (iii) pervasive 

   (iv) Intangible force

    (v) Multi-dimensional. 


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